
Thousands of e-cigarettes and cigarettes seized from Dover stores in police operation

During a police operation, more than 3,000 cigarettes, 2 kg of tobacco and 1,000 illegal e-cigarettes were seized from shops.

Last week, several businesses in Dover were visited by officials working with Kent County Council (KCC) Trading Standards.

Tobacco and vapes found during police operation in Dover. Photo: Kent Police

A total of seven stores were searched and illegal e-cigarettes were found in one of them.

A second company was also found to be hiding counterfeit tobacco.

Constable Ben Goff, from Dover Council, said: “This work was carried out after we received information about the sale of illegal goods in the area.


“Very often, the sale of illegal tobacco helps to fund organised criminal gangs, which has wider implications for the community. That is why all reports filed with the authorities about businesses selling such products are thoroughly investigated.”

A spokesperson for KCC Trading Standards said: “This operation was a huge success and is an excellent example of how all the partner organisations working together can have such a huge impact on this area of ​​illegal activity.

“Trading Standards will continue to organize and coordinate activities to target those individuals and companies that cause the greatest harm to our communities and the legitimate economy.”